A prototyper and pattern guide for logical data modelling in IDEA

By Bert Dingemans EAxpertise

Evaluation Logical Data Models with non ICT stakeholders can be challenging. Are they aware of the impact of the special modelling concepts like specialisations, enumerations and associations with cardinalities. In this session I will demonstrate a tool in the IDEA AddOn that transforms logical data models to an explorer like screen in which you can evaluate the logical model in a more intuitive format and navigation. This can be combined with a pattern catalogue to quickly introduce standard building blocks in the logical data model for evaluation

Session Recording

Questions and Answers

You should use a webbased application for that, that makes use of the same metadata created but with a company look and feel based on css or boostrap.

I am working on that since the WPP is developed based on that approach

Speaker Bio


Bert Dingemans


Bert is an independent Data Architect based in the Netherlands who is using Enterprise Architect for all his modelling activities. Therefore he maintains two open source addons the Integrated Data Entity Architecture helper and the Web Publication Platform. He participates in http://eaxpertise.nl